
Posts Tagged ‘cocobolo’

Almost there!

Almost there!

The past week has been rough in this house. Both kids home from school on spring break, and all of us sick. Every. Single. One.

Unbelievable. Well, maybe not so unbelievable. If you have school age children, it is virtually guaranteed that they are going to bring home some horrible bug that will barely touch them, but takes the parents down like a cannon. That was this week, on top of the snow that hit last Wednesday. That was a lot of fun, let me tell you. I was already sick, and we had a school field trip–my school, not the kids’–and attendance was mandatory. I hadn’t watched the news or checked the weather, so I wasn’t expecting snow.

First, I rolled out of bed late and had to rush everything. I get to the door, several minutes later than I usually le

Serenity and Companion yarns

Serenity and Companion yarns

ave the house, and see my truck is covered in snow. Now I’m going to be even later, because, obviously, I have to clear the snow off the truck. Meanwhile, I’m light-headed and nauseated and have a raging headache: I don’t want to do this at all, but I have to.

Charming charms--with my beloved Serenity up top!

Charming charms–with my beloved Serenity up top!

Finally, I get on the road, and am immediately slowed to a crawl. It’s not the amount of snow, because there’s honestly not that much. The issue is the wind, which is blowing hard enough to create white-out conditions, despite the relative lack of snow. When the car just a few feet in front of you vanishes like it never existed, you are quick to take your foot off the accelerator! So what should have been a ten minute drive, tops, turned into an hour long drive. Then came the kicker: I finally get to the site and realize that I’m not late. In fact, I’m incredibly early. The field trip was scheduled for ten o’clock, not eight!! Well, given the weather, I wasn’t going back home to have to come back out again, so I went to a nearby Starbuck’s and hung out there for two hours, then muddled through the actual field trip, praying I could get through it without throwing up or my head exploding. Someone up there clearly took pity on me, because I made it, and then got home safely!

So, clearly, rough week! Despite it, I managed to get closer to finishing the bookmark properly than I ever have before! That’s where the title of this post comes in.

Cocobolo quad

Cocobolo quad

Firefly cast pouch and buttons--so cute!

Firefly cast pouch and buttons–so cute!

I actually made it to the final ring and chain before running out of thread this time, and with no mistakes!! I actually caught all my mistakes and pulled them out! Okay, not all: the sizes of my picots vary rather widely, so I’m going to have to give the picot gauge a try when I attempt this bookmark again. Yes, there will be another attempt. I want to get it perfect!

And I got fun stuff in the mail today, which was particularly nice as today is yet another anniversary of my 21st birthday. We don’t need to go into which anniversary, right? Yeah, we’ll leave that alone lol! Several months ago, I’d ordered a Firefly/Serenity themed yarn package from a club in the UK, and that arrived today with tons of goodies, including some adorable charms that I’m going to turn into stitch markers. I’ve already got some Firefly stitch markers from Yarnette’s on Etsy that are absolutely adorable, but who can’t use more Firefly???

And a set of four cocobolo wood shuttles came in from Ebay…they’re gorgeous! I can’t wait to try them out. I’m still waiting for the abalone shuttle from Lacis to make an appearance, and the two cheapies I ordered from the Wish app on my phone. I think it’s safe to say that I’ve got an overabundance of shuttles…

Well, the kids just arrived home, so it’s time to go hang with the family and celebrate my birthday. I hope everyone had a very happy Easter!

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