
Archive for December, 2014

DSC00452Yes, I know, I’m a bit belated on the Yule part, but give a girl a break…I’m lucky to have the time right now to blog at all!!

I’ve been back in school, and my grades so far have been awesome, which is shocking to me. Generally I’m a solid B student, but I’ve been racking up A’s, so I’m very happy and proud of myself. Naturally, though, this means I have no life outside of school. Not that I had a smokin’ social life beforehand, but it’s dwindled even from that! Oh, well. C’est la vie.

Vanir is a year old now, the biggest dog in the house, and also the biggest troublemaker. This time last year, he was too small, too shy, and too new to the pack to do much troublemaking. Now, he’s comfortable, and trouble follows hand in hand with comfortable, especially when a dog is that big. Numerous kitchen utensils, pots, hampers, and tree ornaments have been introduced to his teeth this year. He cleared the lower 3/4 of the tree. He clears the counters regularly. If you want to keep something, do not put it on display where he might see it!

Bryony turned five yesterday, although she informs me that since she still sucks her fingers, that means she is still four. She is adamant on this point, no matter what I say. She enjoyed brownies for her birthday, and her new doll, but hasn’t had a party yet. Given where her birthday falls, we decided it might be better to have her party next month, once the holidays are over. That gives us a break from the rush-rush-rush.

As you might imagine, not much has been done on the crafting front. I’ve got two blankets still on needles and not even a quarter done, although I did manage to weave some pretty scarves on one of my Cricket looms as a Christmas gift for my sister-in-law and Aneira, and my spinning wheel is back in action, as I’ve volunteered to spin up a ton of Sibe fur (not my own dog’s) for SOS-SRF. They often do auctions whose proceeds go to support the Sibes in rescue, so it’s a worthy cause.

I did try something new-for-me in spinning today. While cleaning my studio, I came across a small bag full of my Smoky’s fur. I know it was obtained long before she died, but I don’t know why I kept it, as I’ve always been certain that I could never spin a staple that short. I’m glad I kept it, as it’s the only fur I’ll ever have from her, but I still wasn’t sure it could be spun by me. So I took a small amount and carded it – I had forgotten how very soft she was – and made an attempt to spin it on a spindle. I learned that I can spin it, even on a spindle, and that the spindle I was using (because it was the only one unencumbered at the moment) wasn’t the right one for the job. I’ll try again when one of my other spindles is freed up.

I’m hopeful that life will settle down enough soon that I’ll be able to blog more often again. Until then, I’ll stop by as I can!

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